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Bangabandhu Foundation Netherlands Branch copy11

BANGABANDHU Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is not only individual. He is an institution, a movement, a revolution, an upsurge. He is the architect of Bengali nation. He is the essence of an epic poetry and he himself is the history.

This history goes back a thousand years. This is why contemporary history has recognized him as the greatest Bengali of the past thousand years. The future will call him the champion of eternal time.

He is the Father to Bengali nation. He is the founder of sovereign Bangladesh. Journalist Cyril Dunn held of him, “In thousand-year history of Bangladesh, Sheikh Mujib is the only leader who is by blood, race, language, culture and birth a true Bengali. His physique was immense. His voice was profound like thunder. His charisma worked as magic on people. The courage and charm that streamed from him made him a superhuman in these times.” Newsweek magazine portrayed him as “the poet of politics”.

The leader of the British humanist movement, the late Lord Fenner Brockway once remarked, “In a sense, Sheikh Mujib is a greater leader than George Washington, Mahatma Gandhi and De Valera”. The top journalist of the new Egypt, Hasnein Heikal (former editor of Al Abram and a close associate of the late President Nasser) has said, “Nasser does not belong to Egypt only. He is the messenger of freedom for the entire Arab world. His Arab nationalism is the message of freedom for the Arab people. In similar fashion, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman does not belong to Bangladesh alone. He is the harbinger of freedom for all Bengalis. Bengali civilization and culture surfaced afresh from his Bengali nationalism. Mujib is the hero of the Bengalis, in the past and in the times, that are”.

Embracing Bangabandhu at the Algiers Non-Aligned Summit in 1973, Cuba’s Fidel Castro noted, “I have not seen the Himalayas. But I have seen Sheikh Mujib. He is the Himalayas in personality and in courage. I have thus had the experience of witnessing the Himalayas.”

Upon hearing the news of Bangabandhu’s assassination, former British Prime Minister Harold Wilson wrote to a Bengali journalist, “This is surely a supreme national tragedy for you. For me it is a personal tragedy of immense dimensions.”

Banahandhu is inseparable from Bangladesh which achieved independence under his leadership. He lives like an eternal flame in the hearts of the people of Bangladesh—in its independence, language, society, culture and civilization. He had defied and conquered death.

Bangabandhu will be remembered for so many outstanding achievements in his life. The creation of Bangladesh will remain as his greatest success. He lives forever in the hearts of the people of Bangladesh.

The aim of Bangabandhu Foundation is to uphold the ideology and the philosophy of Bangabandhu inside and outside of Bangladesh. The mission of Bangabandhu Foundation Netherlands branch is to introduce Bangabandhu and his work not only to new generation of Bangladeshi but also to Dutch people and politician. We will be grateful if we can establish one status of Bangabandhu in Netherlands.

Joy Bangla, Joy Bangabandhu,

David Rahman

 Bangabandhu Founation, Netherlands Branch
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